Wednesday, April 29, 2015

FavortieThing Essay. Eng. 050/2014

Audience: People who love music, produce music, and enjoy music.

Purpose: To show my love for music, and discuss the 3 major genres that is around today.

       I.            Thesis Statement: From the start, music was just one genre, with the same style or same sounding. But over the years music has progressed.  In today era there are 3 major genres that people listen to almost each and every day. Some people love Rock and Roll or classic rock, others enjoy Hip-Hop. But most people, at least in Missouri, people love that dreaded Country music.


    II.            Rock and Roll- Why is it important, and what is the style type of it and how did it get that way?


 III.            Hip-Hop- Why is it important, and what is the style type of it and how did it get that way?



 IV.            Country- Why is it important, and what is the style type of it and how did it get that way and why?



    V.            Conclusion – Why music is important, and will always be around no matter the genre. Or why music has changed and formed into today world.


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